Yesterday’s Characteristic Incidents

2 August 2017, Wednesday

Incidents as of August 1:

Fire departments of Federal Fire Service of the Headquarters of EMERCOM of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan went on alert 40 times. Including garbage extinguishing – 4, false alarms – 17 short circuit of wiring without burning – 1, meal burning – 3, cooperation with other services – 14. Firefighters of the republic eliminated 1 fires: residential sector – 1.

Causes: violation of electric equipment construction and use rules – 1.

Departures of fire departments for rescuing at the elimination of the consequences of traffic accidents – 0 times.

Departures of voluntary fire protection units on firefighting – 0.

Departures of search and rescue units of EMERCOM of RT – 15 times. Including doors unlocking – 4, traffic accidents – 1, searching drowned person – 2, searching lost person – 1, others – 8. Preventive works – 11.

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