RVFS: "Matches, fires, fire and bonfires, only let them be in drawings..."

22 August 2024, Thursday

    Under this motto, fire safety lessons and asphalt drawing contests were held with pupils of the "Magic Fairy Tale" kindergarten. This event was held on the territory of the kindergarten by the head of the Zainsk section of the RVFS L.A. Astashina, together with the Department of Supervision and Preventive Work for the Zainsk municipal district, senior investigator L.A. Pisareva.
    During this event, an informative conversation was held about fires and their causes, as well as how to behave in emergency situations, wherever he was - at home, on the street.
    Each child was able to try himself as a firefighter, applying his knowledge when extinguishing an imaginary fire with a fire extinguisher. It is very important to promote fire-safe behavior in kindergarten, as well as pay great attention to teaching practical skills in the event of an emergency.   
    At the end of the event, in order to remember the knowledge and skills gained during the conversation on fire safety, a competition of drawings on asphalt on fire-fighting topics was held. The children were given memos "On fire safety measures".

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