The next stage of work to support firefighting volunteerism has been completed in Tatarstan

29 August 2024, Thursday

    About a third of rural settlements of the Republic of Tatarstan are provided with timely arrival of fire forces to the place of call by volunteer formations. Only during the first half of this year, volunteer firefighters of the republic went to fires 357 times, 24 of them were extinguished independently, before the arrival of the state fire service units.
    More than 190 sets of protective equipment, 23 high-pressure motor pumps, and twenty-two mobile fire extinguishing posts were donated for the activities of fire brigades.
    On the basis of the Tatarstan republican branch of the RVFS, an initiative group of workers created a volunteer fire brigade, ready to quickly move to help volunteers in any area of the republic.
    As part of this project, the necessary fire-fighting equipment was purchased (six sets of fire-fighting equipment for supplying water to the fire site, 39 RP-18 Ermak knapsack forest fire extinguishers, a mobile fire extinguishing post) and its use was mastered. The team consisted of 17 volunteers, 10 of whom are veterans of the fire department. 
    We wish the created volunteer fire brigade of the RVFS of the Republic of Tatarstan dry sleeves!

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