Yesterday’s Characteristic Incidents

31 July 2016, Sunday

Incidents as of July 30:

Fire departments of Federal Fire Service of Headquarters of EMERCOM of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan went on alert 111 times. Including burning garbage extinguishing – 11, eddish burning – 1, false alarms – 56, short circuit of wiring without burning – 3, burnt meal – 6, cooperation with other services – 14. Firefighters of the republic eliminated – 10 fires, residential sector – 2, outhouses – 6, various types of property – 2.

Causes: careless use of fire – 1, violation of electrical equipment technical use rules – 1, careless use of fire – 1, arson – 1.

Departures of fire departments for rescuing at the elimination of the consequences of traffic accidents – 20 times.

Departures of voluntary fire protection units on firefighting – 2.

Departures of search and rescue units of EMERCOM of RT – 17 times.

Headquarters of EMERCOM of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan Warn:

Keep the rules of safe behavior on the water:

 - do not swim in a state of intoxication;

 - do not drive water vehicles (boats, water bikes, skis, etc.) near places where people swim;

 - do not jump into the water at unfamiliar places;

 - do not leave children on the shore without adult supervision;

 - do not allow children to go without permission to the water and swim.

In case of fire and other emergencies immediately call 01, or 112.

children unattended:

- It is especially dangerous to leave children alone locked in apartments and rooms. In case of fire they cannot quit burning room themselves.

- Remember that every adult is responsible to halt playing with fire and to explain children that it is dangerous.

- Take care of your children’s safety, explain them that they must quit room immediately during a fire, and then call single number of emergency services 112.

Remember! A fire does not occur by itself.  Its cause is the human negligence and carelessness use of fire. A drunk person loses control of oneself and one’s actions, and all the more cannot bear any responsibility for another person's life.

Helpline of Volga Regional Center of EMERCOM of Russia 8-831-469-17-78

Helpline of HQ of EMERCOM of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan 8 (843) 227-46-96

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