The 21st route of the "School of Safety". Republican competitions on survival in extreme situations have started in Tatarstan

4 June 2024, Tuesday

    7 of the strongest school teams from the cities and districts of the Republic of Tatarstan arrived at the 21st republican competition "School of Safety" to demonstrate in practice their skills in survival in extreme situations, studied earlier in the subject on the basics of life safety. The organizers of the republican movement "School of Safety" are the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

    But first, the opening ceremony of the republican competitions "School of Safety" took place. 

    On the first day of the competition, the teams had to go a short distance. The so-called "Obstacle course" includes a small route laid out in advance, on which the guys will need to pass a number of obstacles one after another and reach the finish line.

    The School of Safety competitions take place in several stages, these are municipal, republican, regional and All-Russian levels. The strongest teams of regional competitions are gathered here. The winner will represent the Republic of Tatarstan at interregional competitions among the strongest teams of the Volga Federal District.

    Students will be able to complete their difficult power and creative marathon only next Friday.

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