Safety Lesson

26 November 2021, Friday

In order to agitate and promote fire safety measures, to educate schoolchildren to comply with safety rules at home, at school, on the street, to instill interest in the work of firefighters, to draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of fire – all this was the main task during the Fundamentals Of Life Safety lesson at Zaу school No. 4. 
In the assembly hall of the school, an open lesson on the topic was held for students of grades 5 and 11: "Fire safety".
During the lesson, a conversation was held with students of the eleventh grades on future career guidance, and the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations told the children about the conditions for admission to universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Also, everyone present was told and shown a video about the dangers and benefits of fire. An instructive conversation was held on how to behave correctly in case of fire or smoke in the school premises, in the apartment. It was clearly shown how to use primary fire extinguishing means correctly.  
In total, 95 people attended this event.
Sharipova K. G.

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