According to the forecast data of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "UGMS of the Republic of Tatarstan" and statistics, in the most likely scenario of the development of the flood situation in 2024, the danger of flooding is represented by 10 rivers in 32 settlements (1003 houses, 2335 people) in 13 municipalities.
Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan Yuri Venediktov commented on the situation on water bodies.
Incidents for April 1:
Fire departments of the republic went on alarm 38 times. Of these, for burning food - 2 times, for false calls - 11 times, for interaction with other services - 12 times. Firefighters of the republic liquidated 7 fires, of which 3 fires in the residential sector, 1 fire in industrial structures, 1 fire in agricultural buildings, and 2 fires at other facilities. 3 people were injured.
On rivers with a fast current or in those places where there is a discharge of warm wastewater, there are more and more dangerous places with ravines, wormwood and fragile ice, especially on the channel and off the coast. GIMS inspectors patrol the water area on a hovercraft every day and go out on the ice in compliance with safety measures - in life jackets.
Fire departments of the republic went on alarm 40 times. Of these, to extinguish garbage -2 times, to burn food - 3 times, to short circuit without burning - 3 times, to false calls - 11 times, to interact with other services - 7 times. Firefighters of the republic liquidated 15 fires, of which 8 fires in the residential sector, public service establishments -1 fire, vehicles - 1 fire, unexploited buildings - 3 fires, other objects - 2 fires.
Teenagers of the Youth Center of MKU "Department for Youth Affairs of the Executive Committee of the Zainsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan" came with pleasure to learn more about the service of rescue firefighters and decide on the choice of their future profession.
Incidents for March 27:
Fire departments of the republic went on alarm 29 times. Of these, for burning food - 1 time, for a short circuit without burning - 4 times, for false calls - 6 times, for interaction with other services - 10 times. Firefighters of the republic liquidated 8 fires, of which 7 fires in the residential sector, 1 fire in vehicles. 3 people were injured.
In the Zainsky district in the cinema "Cosmos," the inspector of the department of supervisory activities and preventive work in the Zainsky municipal district Lilia Pisareva, together with firefighters PSCh-88 and a representative of the regional public organization, before the start of the film show, held a conversation with schoolchildren of secondary school No. 5 and their parents on the topic "What to do and how to behave in case of fire?"
Incidents for March 26:
Fire departments of the republic went on alarm 20 times. Of these, for burning food - 2 times, for a short circuit without burning - 3 times, for false calls - 4 times, for interaction with other services - 6 times, for others - 1 time. Firefighters of the republic liquidated 3 fires, of which 5 fires in the residential sector, 1 fire in vehicles. Unfortunately, 1 person died.
March 25, 2024 in the cinema "Cosmos" in Zainsk, the head of the Zainsky section of the VDPO Astashina L.A. together with an employee of the department of supervisory activities and preventive work in the Zainsky municipal district Pisareva L.A., as well as a firefighter - rescuer 88 PSCh A.A.