EMERCOM cadets recommend installing fire detectors

24 January 2025, Friday

    Vasilyevo cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are long–time partners and assistants of the staff of the Zelenodolsk fire and Rescue garrison. One of the important areas of joint work is fire prevention. Every year, students of the Vasilyevo Cadet boarding school and employees of the 8th fire and rescue squad go around the residential sector of the Vasilyevo settlement together. They talk to residents, hand out memos on fire safety measures, and urge people to be more attentive and vigilant in handling fire. In addition, the cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations help firefighters in promoting autonomous fire detectors. 
    In the course of communication with the residents of the village, the cadets not only urge to install these inexpensive devices in their homes, but also demonstrate to homeowners the principle of operation of the fire sensor, showing how effective and piercing its sound is.
    Preventing fires and reminding homeowners once again about safety measures is the main purpose of such preventive raids. The cadets will continue their propaganda work together with the firefighters until the end of the school year.

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