High school students of the Zainsk district are being targeted for admission to universities of the EMERCOM of Russia

25 January 2025, Saturday

    Another informative and interesting conversation with schoolchildren in grades 6-10 was conducted by the staff of the Department of supervision and preventive work in the Zainsk district.
    This time, the children and teachers were invited to the regional House of Culture, where senior investigator Lilia Pisareva conducted a career-oriented conversation about the admission procedure to educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the admission requirements and the order of service.
    As the speaker said in her speech, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations is actively developing an educational system to train security specialists.
    Graduates of Tatarstan secondary and specialized secondary educational institutions have the opportunity to continue their studies at higher professional educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The students learned about the living conditions of the cadets, as well as about the further distribution after graduation.

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