Employees of the FRS-8 took part in the seminar of the heads of all cadet schools of the Republic of Tatarstan

24 October 2024, Thursday

    To discuss topical issues and problems of the activities of cadet schools, to exchange work experience, to learn new forms and methods of education - for such purposes, the Vasilievo Cadet boarding school organized a Republican seminar for the directors of cadet schools in Tatarstan. The seminar was attended by directors and head teachers from 15 cadet educational institutions of the republic.
    Master classes were organized within the framework of the seminar. Pupils of cadet classes held an open lesson on the basics of fire and rescue work. The cadets also showed their skills and abilities during emergency rescue operations, emergency evacuation of conditionally injured, and first aid.
     It is worth noting that within the framework of long-term cooperation with the cadet school, employees of the 8th fire and rescue squad constantly conduct classes with cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The children are taught the basics of fire and rescue work, introduced to machinery, equipment, visually explain and show all the details and subtleties of the work of firefighters and rescuers.

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