In order to expand knowledge, get acquainted with the main causes of fires, instill elementary skills of careful handling of fire and the ability to act correctly in the event of a fire, propaganda of fire safety measures, the All-Russian competition of children and youth creativity on fire safety "Burning stump" is held annually. Such contests are necessary to draw the attention of children to the problem of child injuries and death of children in fires.
On March 19, a commission consisting of employees of the Kazan branch of the VDPO, the Municipal Institution "Education Department" of the Executive Committee of the Arsk Municipal District, the Interdistrict Department of Supervisory Activities and Preventive Work for the Arsk and Atninsky Municipal Districts held the results of the municipal stage of the competition.
In total, 62 works from 30 educational institutions of the Arsky municipal district participated. The commission chose the most worthy works for further participation in the regional stage. We thank all the children for participating in the competition, we wish them success in their studies and victories in the following competitions.