During the off-season, the risks of accidents with small vessels increase on water bodies

20 October 2021, Wednesday

This was announced today at a briefing held at the Republican Agency for Press and Mass Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan "Tatmedia", the Chief State Inspector of the Republic of Tatarstan for small vessels Yuri Venediktov told media representatives.
But first of all, the speaker of the Ministry of Emergency Situations acquainted journalists with the sad statistics of the bathing season, during which 68 people, including 6 children, died on the water during this hot summer. A total of 81 incidents were registered on the water. 23 people were rescued, including 9 children.
During the same period last year, 71 incidents were registered, 64 people were killed, including 9 children, 22 people were rescued, including 6 children.
Taking into account the fact that the main cause of death of people in the summer is bathing in places not equipped with rescue posts, joint work with municipalities continued to increase the number of bathing places equipped according to safety requirements - beaches.
At the end of his speech, the speaker of the Ministry of Emergency Situations appealed to parents with a request to constantly be vigilant and not to let children go alone to reservoirs during the ice age.

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