Open lessons on the Basics of Life Safety, dedicated to the celebration of the World Civil Defense Day, were held in the schools of the Almetyevsk district

5 March 2021, Friday

In accordance with the instruction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "On conducting joint All-Russian open lessons on the basics of life safety" and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, open lessons dedicated to the celebration of the World Civil Defense Day were held in general education organizations of the Almetyevsk District, organized by employees of the fire and rescue garrison of the Almetyevsk district, the district Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Tatarstan, inspectors of supervisory activities and preventive work, as well as rescuers of ZSRU No. 7 and employees of the fire service of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The purpose of these events is to promote knowledge about civil defense and increase the prestige of the fire and rescue service.

On the day of the celebration of the World Civil Defense Day, a tour of the office premises was organized for schoolchildren of school No. 21 "on the territory of the fire station FU-65 11 of the SRU of the FFS of the State Emergency Service of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan. The head of the 65 FU of Almetyevsk and the staff of the duty shift of PSCH No. 65 told the children about the work of firefighters and rescuers, introduced the children to the device of fire engines and showed fire-technical weapons. The students were also introduced to the place where the personnel of the unit train, and the combat deployment with the use of fire hoses and barrels was demonstrated. The students were told about the primary means of fire extinguishing – fire extinguishers, about the need to comply with fire safety requirements, about the causes of fires and about administrative and criminal liability for violating fire safety requirements, and were reminded of emergency call numbers.

And in the schools of the district, safety lessons were held, where the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reminded the children about which numbers to call in an emergency, recalled the basic rules of fire safety, and showed clearly how to act correctly in the event of a fire at school and at home. Students from grades 1-7 were shown videos "Dangerous icicles on the roof", "Do not go out on thin ice". Students from grades 8-11 were shown videos on civil defense "Civil Defense of Russia. The history of the creation of civil defense", "Rescue of a drowning man on ice".

During the lessons, the children looked at photos of infrequent cases in order to understand what can lead to improper handling of fire, loss of vigilance or a simple childish prank. Practical classes were also held on how to use personal protective equipment.

These events were attended by more than 17 thousand students from 59 general education institutions and 3 thousand students from 6 educational organizations of secondary vocational education and higher education of the Almetyevsk municipal district.

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