As part of the Republican Presidential program, emergency workers continue to install autonomous fire detectors

23 November 2020, Monday

Since the beginning of 2020, more than two hundred Autonomous fire detectors have already been installed in large families, families with disabled children and those in a socially dangerous situation in the framework of the Republican Presidential program in the Aviastroitelny and Kirovsky districts of Kazan.
Almost every day, as part of the month of safety in housing, state fire supervision inspectors, together with district social workers, visit several addresses where socially unprotected families live. Employees install sensors in residential areas that are not only easy to operate, but also are reliable saviors of human lives. 
In order to prevent fires in everyday life and reduce the negative consequences of them, the inspectors of Supervisory activities recommend that citizens follow the rules of fire safety in everyday life - monitor the wiring, stove and gas heating, and do not leave young children alone at home. And to ensure that these fire requirements are not forgotten by homeowners, they are handed fire safety memos.

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