About a third of rural settlements of the Republic of Tatarstan are provided with timely arrival of fire forces to the place of call by volunteer formations. Only during the first half of this year, volunteer firefighters of the republic went to fires 357 times, 24 of them were extinguished independently, before the arrival of the state fire service units.
On the eve of the beginning of the school year, firefighters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia organized a yard holiday "Young Firefighter" in the residential area "New Tsaritsyno" of the Sovet district of Kazan. More than 80 residents of nearby houses, most of whom were children, heard from professionals about working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, saw and even visited the fire and rescue equipment, they were especially delighted with the fire motorcycle, which was lined up for a photo shoot!
In the year of the 375th anniversary of the formation of the Russian fire Department, the Almetyevsk branch of the Department of DP FPS of the State Fire Service of the Republic of Tatarstan celebrated its 70th anniversary. The first combat units of the fire department took up duty in it in 1954. This event was one of the first in the glorious history of the detachment, whose employees guard the fire safety of the entire oil-producing south-east of the republic.
Under this motto, fire safety lessons and asphalt drawing contests were held with pupils of the "Magic Fairy Tale" kindergarten. This event was held on the territory of the kindergarten by the head of the Zainsk section of the RVFS L.A. Astashina, together with the Department of Supervision and Preventive Work for the Zainsk municipal district, senior investigator L.A. Pisareva.
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