Accidents on December 25:
Fire departments of SFS of Russia EMERCOM on RT had departures on alarms 46 times. Firefighters of the Republic eliminated 10 fires: residential sector-1 fire, other objects-8 fires, agricultural buildings-1 fire. Unfortunately, 1 person was killed. 1 person was injured.
The causes of fires were: careless handling of fire-7 fires, violation of the rules of the device and operation of furnaces-1 fire, other causes-2 fires.
Units of VFP departed on fire fighting – 1 times.
SRS of EMERCOM of RT and VRSRS of Russian EMERCOM departed 9 times. Preventive work – 18 times.
The Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan warns:
In the period of fluctuation of day and night temperatures to positive values it is extremely dangerous to go on the ice. However, many people neglect precautions and go out on the fragile ice, thereby putting their lives in mortal danger.
You need to know
Safe for humans is considered ice thickness of at least 10 cm in fresh water.
At the mouths of rivers and inflows durability of ice is weakened. Ice is fragile in areas of rapid flow, spurting springs and runoff waters, as well as in areas of aquatic vegetation, near trees, bushes and reeds.
If the air temperature above 0 degrees is kept for more than three days, the strength of the ice is reduced by 25 %. The strength of the ice can be determined visually: ice blue-durable, white-its strength is 2 times less, gray, matte white or yellowish ice is unreliable.
What to do if you fall into cold water:
Do not panic, do not make sudden movements, stabilize your breathing.
Spread your arms out to the sides and try to catch the edge of the ice, giving the body a horizontal position in the direction of the current. Try to gently lie down on the edge of the ice and throw one, and then the other leg on the ice. If ice has sustained, being rolled, slowly creep to coast. Crawl to the other side – where you came from, because the ice is already tested.
If someone needs your help:
Arm yourself with any long stick, plank, pole or rope. It is possible to connect together scarfs, belts or clothes. You should crawl, widely placing thus hands and feet and pushing before yourself saving means, and carefully move in the direction of the hole.
Stop from being in the water a person a few meters away, throw him a rope, the edge of clothing, give a stick or pole. Carefully pull out the victim on ice and together on all fours get out of the danger zone. Crawl in the direction from which you came.
Take the victim to a warm place. Give him help: remove his wet clothes, vigorously rub the body (till the redness of the skin), soak in alcohol or vodka a piece of cloth, or hands, give the victim hot tea. In any case, do not give the victim alcohol – in such cases, it can lead to death.
The main Department of EMERCOM of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan warns:
- do not abuse alcohol, never smoke in bed!
- do not leave children unattended, teach them basic safety rules;
- never use faulty wiring, do not overload the power grid, be careful when using electric heaters;
- do not leave the included electrical and gas appliances unattended.
The main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan appeals to residents not to leave children unattended.
- It is especially dangerous to leave children alone in locked apartments or rooms. In case of a fire they can't get out of a burning building out.
- Remember: the duty of every adult is to stop playing with fire, to explain to children it’s danger.
- Take care of the safety of your children, explain them that in case of a fire you need to leave the room immediately, and then call the emergency number "112".
As for the fire, you are an example for your children.
Remember: fire does not occur by itself. His reason are human negligence and carelessness in handling fire. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person loses control over himself and his actions, and even can not bear any responsibility for the life of another person.
"Helpline" of EMERCOM of Russia on RT: 8 (843) 288-46-96