Accidents for January 1, 2019:
Fire departments GPS Main emergency management Russia on RT went on alert 47 times. From them on garbage-1 time, on false calls-19 times, on interaction with other services - 12 times, on burning of food – 3 times, on short circuit without burning -2 times. Firefighters of the Republic eliminated-7 fires, including the residential sector-5 fires, objects of various forms of ownership-2 fires. 3 people were injured. 2 persons were rescued.
The causes of fires were: violation of the rules of the device and operation of electric equipment – 3 fires, violation of the rules of the device and operation of furnaces - 1 fire, careless handling of fire - 3 fires.
Departures units DPO on fire fighting – were not involved.
Departures units DPO for firefighting – 6 times. Including: unblocking - 2, traffic accident -1, others -3%. For professional work-4 times.
Remember: the fire does not occur by itself. His the reason - human negligence and carelessness in circulation with fire. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person loses control over himself and his actions, and even more so can not bear any responsibility for the life of another person.
"Helpline" of EMERCOM of Russia on RT: 8 (843) 288-46-96