The best firefighter of Tatarstan works in Kazan SRU-60

3 June 2024, Monday

    The final stage of the republican review competition "The best firefighter of the FFS units in the Republic of Tatarstan" took place on the basis of the sports and training ground 60 of the fire and rescue unit of the city of Kazan. Thirteen firefighters, the strongest at the end of the first stages, demonstrated not only theoretical knowledge of service training, but also honed their skills during the passing of physical training standards. The review competition of professional skills is organized and held within the framework of the All-Russian festival on the topic of safety and rescue of people "Constellation of Courage".
    The final of the competition - we ran a kilometer cross-country, competed in a shuttle run, pulled up on a crossbar and overcame an obstacle course.
    And in the classroom (in between physical exercises), the contestants tested their knowledge of the theory. The participants of the review competition were asked to answer 2 tickets in electronic form in stages, 10 questions each, which contained an equal number of questions on each subject.
    Based on the results of passing all the tests of the final competitions, the judging panel determined the winner. He became Roman Zinkevich, senior sergeant of the internal service, senior firefighter-rescuer of the Kazan 60 SRU 7 SRS FFS SFS of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan.

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