The 105th graduation of the Tetyush State College of Civil Protection has started in adulthood!

21 June 2024, Friday

    A big celebration was held at the Tetyush State College of Civil Protection - graduation! Graduated from college, got a profession!
    In the first part of the holiday there is a solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas of education. The square is filled with parents and guests. There are cadets in the parade formation. 
College graduation diplomas were presented by Evgeny Kurkov, Deputy Head of the Tetyushsky Municipal District, Nikolay Surzhko, Acting Minister of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Republic of Tatarstan, and Tatyana Adayeva, Director of the college.
    This is the seventh graduation in the specialties of the Ministry of Emergency Situations "Protection in emergency situations" and "Fire safety". There are 106 people of our certified colleagues! Every third person has received a diploma with honors today – that's 34 people. 60 of you have become certified rescuers. The second part of the event is creative. The energy of youth, the triumph of knowledge and beauty reigned in the college hall. Each group has prepared a creative performance. The students thanked the teachers for their support and help, and there were congratulations from parents and teachers.

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