Typical incidents for October 5, 2021

6 October 2021, Wednesday

During the day in Tatarstan, fire departments left on alarm 34 times. Of these, for false calls - 13 times, for an accident - 4 times, for a short circuit without burning - 0 times, for burning food - 1 time, for interaction with other services - 9 times. Fire republics eliminated - 7 fires, of which the residential sector - 3 fires, other objects - 4 fires.

The causes of the fires were: careless handling of fire - 3 fires, arson - 3 fires, other causes - 1 fire.

Departures of DPO units to extinguish fires - 1 time.

Departures to the incidents of duty units of the PSS under the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Tatarstan and other emergency rescue units - 5 times. Of these: to unlock doors - 2 times, to other AKP - 3 times. For preventive work - 10 times.

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