Accidents on July 7, 2020

8 July 2020, Wednesday

Accidents on July 7:

Fire departments of SFS of Russia EMERCOM on RT had departures on alarms 50 times. Firefighters of the Republic eliminated 13 fires: residential sector-2 fires, other objects-9 fires, vehicles-1 fire, unused buildings-1 fire. 1 person was saved in the fire.

The causes of the fires were: violation of the rules for the installation and operation of electrical equipment – 2 fires, careless handling of fire-9 fires, and other causes-2 fires.

Units of VFP departed on firefighting – 2 times.

SRS of EMERCOM of RT and VRSRS of Russian EMERCOM departed 8 times. Preventive work – 16 times.

The main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan appeals to residents not to leave children unattended.

- It is especially dangerous to leave children alone in locked apartments or rooms. In case of a fire they can't get out of a burning building out.

- Remember: the duty of every adult is to stop playing with fire, to explain to children it’s danger.

- Take care of the safety of your children, explain them that in case of a fire you need to leave the room immediately, and then call the emergency number "112".

As for the fire, you are an example for your children.

Remember: fire does not occur by itself. His reason are human negligence and carelessness in handling fire. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person loses control over himself and his actions, and even can not bear any responsibility for the life of another person.

"Helpline" of EMERCOM of Russia on RT: 8 (843) 288-46-96

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