Characteristic Incidents for the Last Day

1 August 2015, Saturday

Incidents as of July 31:

Fire departments of Federal Fire Service of Headquarters of EMERCOM of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan went on alert 57 times. Including burning garbage extinguishing – 2, false alarms – 16, singed meal – 2, short circuit of wiring without burning – 3, cooperation with other services – 8. Firefighters of the republic eliminated – 4 fires, including in the residential sector – 1, outhouses – 1, garden houses – 1.

Causes are: arson – 2, violation of electrical equipment installation rules – 1, careless use of fire – 4, child prank – 1, violation of electrical equipment technical use rules – 1, carelessness when smoking – 1, ascertain – 1.

Missions of fire departments on rescuing at the elimination of the consequences of traffic accidents – 23 times. 2 people were saved.

Missions of voluntary fire protection units on fire fighting – 0.

Missions of search and rescue units of EMERCOM of RT – 3 times. Including: door unblocking – 3. Preventive works – 3, preventive talks – 5, safety provision at events – 2.

Headquarters of EMERCOM of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan Warn:

· do not abuse alcohol, never smoke in bed;

· do not leave children unattended, teach them basic rules of fire safety;

· never use faulty electrical wiring, do not overload the grid, use caution when using electric heaters;

· do not leave powered on electrical and gas devices unattended.

Remember! A fire does not occur by itself.  Its cause is the human negligence and carelessness use of fire. A drunk person loses control of oneself and one’s actions, and all the more cannot bear any responsibility for another person's life.

Headquarters of EMERCOM of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan Warn:

· do not enter the water after a long time spent under the sunlight (muscles may be convulsed);

· diving in unfamiliar places, swimming behind buoys and playing games that can threat people’s life and health is forbidden, also you should not swim on inflatable mattresses or bladders and get close to ships;

· do not swim in unequipped places, the bottom is unexplored and there are no rescuers around;

· in the waters with a large number of algae you should try to swim closer to the surface and not touching the plants. But if your hands and legs are entangled by stems, make a pause (take a “float” position to bob up) and release them;

· do not leave children unattended, and all the more, do not drink alcohol.

Helpline of Volga Regional Center of EMERCOM of Russia 8-800-100-11-20

Helpline of HQ of EMERCOM of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan 8 (843) 292-64-09

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