Attention, Thaw! Drivers and Pedestrians, Fishermen and Children Are Under the Risk. EMERCOM Recommendations

4 February 2016, Thursday

Within the next few days non-winter warm weather is still forecasted on the territory of Tatarstan.

The ice on rivers during the thaw becomes crumbly, “ate” by the Sun, melted snow water on its surface, and undercut by the stream. It is dangerous to walk on the ice, it can break under your legs and close up over your head at any moment. The process of ice collapse goes quicker near banks; the ice covered by the snow quickly turns into a crumbly mass.

The traffic in the conditions of ice-slick has its features. It is necessary to take into account that the adhesion coefficient with the road on wet asphalt in comparison with the dry one lowers up to 1.5 – 2 times. When driving a vehicle all actions of a driver should be smooth. Keep the distance and speed mode. Be cautious especially on pedestrian crossings, approaches to them and other places of possible appearance of people on the road.

Do not park your car near building walls if you did not make sure that the parking place is safe. Pedestrians should pay attention to warning tapes by which building hosts encircle dangerous areas of pavements, and should not walk near building walls.

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