Burning mirror, cooling rings and saving "Blizzard”

20 November 2019, Wednesday

Regular tactical exercises were conducted on the territory of the TKPPN-2 preliminary discharge facility of the Leninogorskneft NGDU.

According to legend, the usual course of technological processes was disrupted by the explosion of steam-air mixture in the RVS No. 3. The torn roof of the tank, 5000 cubic meters of oil in danger-such serious consequences, as it happens in reality, turned out to be just one violation of fire safety rules. In this case, during the firing operations.

The units of the second detachment of the FSF SFS in the Republic of Tatarstan will have to solve a difficult task. But, while the main forces are on the way, the provision of "first aid" to the "affected" tank is taken over by the workers of the object. They promptly notify the necessary services and use the irrigation rings of neighboring reservoirs.

Meanwhile, departments of the 21st fire and rescue unit are approaching the scene. With arrival additional calculations 9 and 15 SRU, are formed still two combat alternatively-on cooling neighboring capacities and prepare for conducting foam attacks facility "Blizzard".

Exercises of this scale with the personnel of the second detachment are held on a regular basis every month. Thus, in practice, the actions of firefighters, personnel of the object are worked out, the work of special equipment is checked and along the way shortcomings and violations of fire safety rules are revealed.


Julia Grigorieva, the Press service of the FSBI "2 FFSU of state fire service of RT (contractual)”

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